Swiss pharmaceutical company plans further investments into Ukrainian industry

Swiss pharmaceutical company plans further investments into Ukrainian industry

Swiss pharmaceutical company Acino considers Ukraine a great country for the investments. Recently, the company has bought Ukrainian company Pharma Start and plans investments into development of new pharma products, further education of Ukrainian employees and integration of production facilities in the system of quality control. The exact sum of Acino investments is not being disclosed.
The CEO of Acino Group, Jostein Davidsen, has stated that he expects great growth from their Ukrainian acquisition in the upcoming years, and he believes that Ukrainian market has great prospects. At the moment, Acino avoids investing in the markets where global companies are already present and focuses on more “niche markets.” These markets are rapidly growing, but the competition level is much lower. Manager of Ukrainian Acino branch considers the expertise of people at Pharma Start incredibly high, especially in regards to manufacturing – all of the employees have higher education. The emphasis of the pharmaceutical company will be on organizational development as well as an introduction of international operation and production standards. The goal of Acino is to provide high-quality medications at affordable pricing.