PayPal to be available in Ukraine

PayPal to be available in Ukraine

Long-awaited online retail business regulation is currently happening in Ukraine. Undoubtedly the most requested service by Ukrainians, PayPal, can now be used in the country thanks to the advances of the Central Bank and the Verkhovna Rada. Previously, PayPal couldn’t be fully used by Ukrainians due to the lack of legislations regulating e-commerce and certain restrictions. When it comes to PayPal, it could only be used by the residents of Ukraine to purchase goods online and pay with the help of this system. Using PayPal as a vendor was not possible, as receiving of payments to bank accounts was not envisaged.
Obviously, the absence of Ukrainian e-commerce regulation significantly limited Ukrainians in their online selling and purchasing freedom, but now that this e-commerce situation is improving, we can expect rapid development of its potential. PayPal, being number one payment service in the world, will make Ukrainians products and services more known and used all across the globe. The introduction of valid electronic signatures and bills, along with equation of online transactions to paper contracts, will provide an array of opportunities to Ukrainian business.