Unique wind generator developed by Ukrainian scientist

Unique wind generator developed by Ukrainian scientist

Talented Ukrainian scientist Oleksyi Onipko has created an amazing wind generator, which ensures high performance and also decreased noise levels thanks to its absolutely unique shape. Moreover, as opposed to traditional wind generators, this Onipko design is not dangerous for the birds.
This Ukrainian innovation has received many international diplomas and the “Green Oscar,” which is the most respectable award in the alternative energy sources sphere. What makes this wind generator so valuable is the use of large spirals, which vary in their diameter and are installed at different heights. As opposed to wind generators using traditional blades, this creation by Oleksyi Onipko can generate the energy even when there is almost no wind. In times when the speed of wind is low, a new generator produces 5-6 times more energy than standard wind generators and it takes only 15 seconds to produce enough energy for the lightbulb.
At the moment, there have already been signed agreements with German representatives to start production of Onipko generators, and they plan on building a Ukrainian plant to manufacture them in the country. Another essential step is finding appropriate investors.