Expand Your Horizons with a Polish Residence Permit

Recognizing the importance of mobility and flexibility for business owners, our services extend beyond company registration to include assistance in obtaining a Polish residence permit based on your business investment. A residence permit not only facilitates easier management of your Polish enterprise but also opens up the European Union for personal and business mobility. Here’s how we support you in securing your Polish residence permit:

  • Eligibility Assessment: We begin by evaluating your eligibility for a residence permit based on your planned business activities in Poland. Our experts will guide you through the criteria, ensuring your business plan aligns with the requirements for a successful application.
  • Application Process Guidance: Navigating the application process for a residence permit can be complex. Our team provides step-by-step assistance, from gathering the necessary documents to submitting your application. We ensure you understand each phase of the process, offering clarity and support.
  • Integration and Compliance: Obtaining a residence permit is just the beginning. We assist in integrating into the Polish business ecosystem, advising on compliance with local laws and regulations. Our aim is to make your transition as smooth as possible, enabling you to focus on growing your business.
  • Renewal and Family Reunification: We understand that your commitment to your business and life in Poland may extend beyond the initial residence permit period. Our services include support for permit renewals and family reunification, ensuring you and your loved ones can enjoy the benefits of your success in Poland.
  • Personalized Support for Investors: Our tailored approach means we consider your specific circumstances, business goals, and personal aspirations when advising on residence permit matters. Whether you’re an individual entrepreneur or managing a team, we’re here to provide the personalized support you need.

Join the ranks of successful businesses that have chosen Poland as their gateway to Europe. With our expert guidance, comprehensive services, and dedicated support in securing your Polish residence permit, setting up your business in Poland has never been easier. Let us help you turn your entrepreneurial vision into reality, ensuring a seamless transition into the Polish market and the broader European Union.


* We will get back to you shortly after receiving your inquiry with more details on application procedure.


Years of practice in the area of legalization of non-residents guarantees competent advice and quality representation of your interests on the territory of Ukraine.