Deal between Ukrainian startup YouScan & Yell

Deal between Ukrainian startup YouScan & Yell

This time of the year has been incredibly fruitful for the Ukrainian startup market. The first news of this autumn has become the purchase of Looksery startup by the very famous Snapchat for alleged $ 150 million. Now, the controlling block of shares of Ukrainian startup YouScan has been bought by the service of reviews […]

Kyiv Smart City Forum has taken place in the capital

Kyiv Smart City Forum has taken place in the capital

Kyiv Smart City Forum has recently taken place on the premises of Olympiyskiy stadium. The questions discussed within the event were connected to the technologies incorporation to make Kyiv into the “smart city.” The concept of the Forum is quite all-encompassing and includes implementation of e-services for Kyiv residents, technological improvement …

Unique wind generator developed by Ukrainian scientist

Unique wind generator developed by Ukrainian scientist

Talented Ukrainian scientist Oleksyi Onipko has created an amazing wind generator, which ensures high performance and also decreased noise levels thanks to its absolutely unique shape. Moreover, as opposed to traditional wind generators, this Onipko design is not dangerous for the birds. This Ukrainian innovation has received many international diplomas …

TripShaker – new traveling app created by Ukrainian developer

TripShaker – new traveling app created by Ukrainian developer

Dmitriy Babich, the developer of TripShaker web service, has created a new app as an extension of his service, which is now available in the App Store. With the help of this traveling app, users can view their saved routes in an offline mode and find pathways, which have been created in the web service […]

Currency devaluation as a factor for economic growth in Ukraine

Currency devaluation as a factor for economic growth in Ukraine

According to a popular belief, the important factor contributing to economic growth is higher demand for produced goods and offered services. In such a manner, increase in services and goods demand acts as a catalyst for manufacturing much larger volumes of goods and services in the country. It is a very logical thinking that those […]

Odesa Financial Forum – a new platform for discussion

Odesa Financial Forum – a new platform for discussion

Odesa Financial Forum, recently held in Ukraine, has provided a necessary place for discussion between representatives of the Ukrainian government and investment experts. The forum, organized by the Financial Markets Association and “Ukrainian Stock Traders” Association, was supported by Odesa State Administration. The purpose of this Ukrainian …

PayPal to be available in Ukraine

PayPal to be available in Ukraine

Long-awaited online retail business regulation is currently happening in Ukraine. Undoubtedly the most requested service by Ukrainians, PayPal, can now be used in the country thanks to the advances of the Central Bank and the Verkhovna Rada. Previously, PayPal couldn’t be fully used by Ukrainians due to the lack of legislations regulating e-commerce …